Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Normally the sperms are deposited in the vagina from where they travel through the first barrier in the cervix. Here the poor quality sperms gets trapped and the healthy sperms crosses the barrier, sometimes the cervix does not allow even the healthy sperms to cross and creates a hostile environment for the survival of these sperms, a problem which is rightly called Cervical Hostility IUI is performed to bypass this barrier and deposit the clean healthy prepared sperms directly inside the uterus. The semen is prepared in the laboratory so that the motile sperms are washed free of the seminal fluid and concentrated in a small quantity of culture media. This prepared sample is loaded in a fine catheter. The catheter is then passed through the cervix into the uterine cavity and sperms are gently expelled. Females having irregular menstrual cycle and thus irregular ovulation time can be monitored and IUI performed at an opportune time to optimize the chances of pregnancy.
IUI is also helpful to the couples suffering from unexplained infertility of short duration (less than 2 yrs) where no apparent cause is found following a battery of diagnostic tests. Couples having difficulty in adequate sexual performance can also benefit from IUI, if the primary objective is conception. It can help the females suffering from veganism’s who would like to conceive. If the husband has had preserved his semen sample prior to going out station, vasectomy or some other medical treatment which renders him sterile like cancer therapy, then his frozen sample can be used for IUI.